Fundraising at Chosen Hill School
About us
P.A.T.C.H Stands for Parents, Teachers (and friends of) Chosen Hill (School). We are a group of volunteers who do what we can to raise funds for the school to provide additional activities and enhance the school facilities for our children. Any parent, carer or grandparent can join P.A.T.C.H to help in arranging these events. P.A.T.C.H works closely with the school and the school council in an effort to provide extracurricular events and resources which meet the needs of our school community. If you choose to join P.A.T.C.H or attend our events, you can be sure to make new friends and feel more involved in your child’s school life.
How can you support us?
New members are always very welcome. If you would like to find out more please email and we will be in touch. You can join us on the committee or offer to help at events, either way we would be pleased to see you. Meetings usually take place around 5.30pm at the Elm Pub in Churchdown.