Options Information
As your child approaches their Key Stage 4 Phase, they will begin to think about their future progress and choices.
Our Key Stage 4 Phase offers flexibility of choice and personalisation to enable every student to experience success and pursue their career and life aspirations.
Core Curriculum:
English Language
English Literature
Science (Combined and Triple)
Personal Development curriculum (WRSE), including Wellbeing, Relationships and Social Education
Physical Education
Study Skills and Exam Skills – delivered through the Learning Mentor Programme
Pathways Options:
Art and Design - Fine Art, Graphic Communication and 3D
Business Studies
Computer Science
Creative iMedia
Design and Technology - systems
Food Technology - Hospitality and Catering
Health and Social Care BTEC
Music BTEC
Performing Arts BTEC
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Sport Science
Travel and Tourism
The Options process starts in January with a Year Group assembly outlining the support and guidance that will be provided. The Year 9 Pathways booklets provide information about each of the options.
Year 9 Pathways Booklet - Futures Option
Year 9 Pathways Booklet - Triple Science Option
Elements of the Options process:
Year Group Assemblies
Learning Mentor time – focused sessions and individual support
Parents' Evening
Options Evening
Optional Online Consultation with Senior Staff